Hey glad I found you again. Passing the word on the podcast. Need Ledger hats !!!!

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Graham, while listening to this podcast, I recalled something that I heard regarding what VP Pence could and could not do in relationship to the electoral votes. It was said that several of the states REQUESTED to withdraw their electoral votes and be given more time to research the information and proof of fraudulent voting in their respective states. Pence denied their requests and ultimately accepted the electoral votes as submitted on Jan 6th. So, it seems, he DID have control of the option whether or not to accept the electoral votes.

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This was a truly great report on what has, and IS, occurring. Not just to President Trump, but to ME, YOU, and the nearly 80 million Americans that voted for President Trump! I will admit that, while your show was my absolute favorite show at one time, I was do disgusted the night I first saw you say "I am a proud Christian Zionist!" that I never watched your show again, and just now happened to see this email containing this show. It's clear that you have been surprised at the low-down illegal, and dirtiness, the Jewish communist democrats will go to tear this nation apart. Now, if you will just open your mind to see just which "tribe"/race of people that is behind it all, it will all make sense and the pieces will easily "fall into place" for you. President JFK found out back in 1963, when he discovered just WHO owned, and ran, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the murdering terrorist, David Ben-Gurion, was horrified that his American "cash cow" would "dry up". Then when someone in the "Deep State" CIA told JFK that the "tribe" had a secret nuclear program, made up of stolen equipment and nuclear material...all stolen from America, JFK was livid. He sent a letter to Ben-Gurion and Ben-Gurion KNEW that he had to end the "Kennedy Problem". He ordered JFK to be assassinated, and then resigned. This is what these people know as their "Rise and Kill" policy...from their "Talmud", if they are ever threatened...."God tells them to do this". They did it to James Forestall because he was a threat to them, they did it to the USS Liberty, killing 34 U.S. sailors and wounding 171 others one day before the 1967 Arab war, later, in 1973, during the Yom Kipper War, Golda Meir threatened to "nuke" Alexandria, and Damascus if LBJ didn't give them more military supplies before they lost that war, and LBJ did it...then, of course, there's 9/11...THEY DID IT!...done to drag Bush into the Iraq war, which, although Saddam Hussein had no "weapons of mass destruction, they lied and provided all the critical "intel" to the contrary, and he led one of the five countries...Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya...that these people wanted to "take out" so that they would be the only "super power" in the Mideast...with America, of course, providing all the "big brother bully threat", and the dead and mangled White Christian boys for slaughter...which they HATE anyway because their Talmud says "GOD" told them to kill us all. What is really going on now is a RACE WAR! These people feel that they have everything in place to take everything now, so they are pressing on. Do not make the mistake that this is some far fetched "fantasy" because all your life, all the Hollywood movies always make these people "victims" to the big ol' NAZI White people. Remember, "Hollywood is NOT history!" It's ALL lies, and you are seeing it played out in front of your eyes! Trust YOUR EYES...NOT you "Christian-Zionist" preacher/pastor/priest...they are lying to you.

Just think a minute...what is FaceBooks' Mark Zuckerberg?...What is Amazons' Jeff Bezos?...What is Twitters' Jack Dorsey? (not a Jew, but an extreme Zionist)...What is You Tubes' Susan Wojcicki?...What is Googles' CEO(Sundar Pichai, Indian, but is only a figure head for .....I could go on and on...and so could you with a little research. But, let's not forget obama, who also admitted...twice on camera to George Stephanopoulus...he is a muslim. He hates White people in general, and Trump in particular, and his close friends and advisers are Rahm Emmanuel, and David Axelrod...both Jews. Then there's AIPAC, CPAC, ACLU, ADL, SPLC, ZOG, ZOA HIAS, ISRA-AID and hundreds of other PRO Jewish Supremacist groups. You probably don't like the sound of it, but the facts are there...there is a WAR of White Erasure going on globally, on ALL White cultures, using MASS NON WHITE "immigration", directed and funded by the Jews...with the end goal of White genocide. Oprah Winfrey summed up the hatred of the negroes toward Whites in a "60 Minutes", interview on BBC , with Leslie Stahl....when she blatantly stated on camera: "I just can't wait for all those old White people to die"...her interviewer, Leslie Stahl, a Jew, never said a word. Race and demographics are EVERYTHING when it comes to nations and civilizations. When Ted Kennedy, backed by Jews, in 1965, pushed through the immigration act (Harts/Zellar),White people were 90-95 percent of Americas' population, and that is what the Founding Fathers wanted it to be. With the constant legal immigration fights and open borders, anti White agenda of George Soros and the other anti White, anti American Jewish groups our population has steadily slipped each decade, with the anti White, anti American SPLC watching closely...along with the ADL, ACLU, and all the other anti White, anti American, Jewish groups, so that the last figure I saw is the White population of America is now only 59 percent! By the next census, with the help of anti White, anti American non White, and Jewish groups and oligarchs, we could easily be 50 percent or less! President Trump was White Americas' last hope...and his commitment to the Jews was his"Achilles Heel". Our letting the communist Jew democrats steal this election means that there will probably never be another White president, and certainly NOT another "America First conservative" one. I'll live to see the end, so will you, probably. But I cry inside at the hell hole I have left for my grandsons and all the other White children to face because we were too cowardly to stop the Jews simply because they called us "racists, White nationalists, and White supremacists"....while they are ALL those things, and more in Israel. The Jews stole this election.

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