Hi Graham, I totally hear you about the stoned & stupid! My daughter is 34yo, raised in Christian faith, went to a Christian school until 6th grade, then public school for 7-9, her choice, not mine.

Then she became ill So I had to home school her for grades 10-12. Point being I did teach her about our govt, and importance of having a voice by voting. So did her Christian school. I unfortunately didn't drill the constitution into her, which now I regret. The Charter school helping me was more into world religions and economics. College didn't teach her much about the constitution either. She hasn't voted in years! She's intelligent and works around a lot of leftists who try to convince her who to vote for. So I guess its a good thing she isn't voting. To your point, I have neighbors, close friends and other family members who just don't get whats going on in our upcoming election. Theyre all stoned and brainwashed by the MSM! Theyre all educated and getting saturated by the MSM. They will not even try to hear another view, even with proof. Thats when I call them stupid. I have one brother who agrees with me and has been on board with reality all along. If it wasn't for my church Bayside Granite Bay being online and your podcast and news from OANN and Newsmax, I'd lose it!

As always thanks for your insight, Ill keep praying for all of us in these turbulent times.

Remember you're our beacon of hope! God Bless You!

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I felt like I lost a good friend when I couldn't get you on OAN. I was nervous when I couldn't find you on TV & nothing was mentioned about you..Glad to get your opinions again...Thank you much.....

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We are doing just that.

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I switched cable companies and lost OANN which is disappointing, are you still with them?

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This election will determine if the socialist take power, and redistribute our wealth, crush our souls or if we can hold on to Democracy and pursuit of our dreams, desires. God Bless America.

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This generation wants everything handed to them,with no personal effort.

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So happy to see you are back to the Task!!!

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good job as usual

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