
I have left the network. But I will land “somewhere” soon and will let you know where.

Meantime, please sign up for my exclusive podcast, The Ledger Report, for free:


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We love you get back on the news OAN or Fox please

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Paul Ryan is the reason we didn't get rid of Obama Care! I wondered why Fox has gone down the tube too. How sick that they have gone to the other side. That sucks. I will be watching OAN and Newsmax too.

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Why have you left I really going to miss you 😫on tv please come back I was always looking forward watching you. Your the best 👍🏻👍🏻 Antoinette

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A lot of people are afraid to publicly express their political views. But America need to be saved. I came from Romania 32 years ago, legally, but this is not the country that adopted me. Make America Great Again!

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I hardly ever watch Fox unless it's Tucker. I watch Glenn, OANN, Newsmax, and a few other on utube. Miss


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Graham you are the best right up there with Sean Hannity, get back on the news.

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Graham not sure you got my post but for all a must see last nights ME TVs twilight zone episode back home by Thursday shows a remarkable depiction of Gov. Newsom

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Why are we still getting advice from such an IDIOT if a mask is the only for sure way to stop the spread then why not reopen the economy as long as we wear the mask.

Mr. Ledger CONGRATS on your EMMY well deserved.

Yes Kitty G. he is but not all Californians are blind or deaf thank God.

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I have banned all nfl, mlb & nba in my home.

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We are subscribers of OAN Network. With you gone, we are canceling our subscription.

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Miss you on OANN. Vacation?

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Paul Ryan on Fox news? Deadly

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As usual, loved this podcast. Fauci is an idiot! Sure open your windows? WTH? He is so phony. He has mismanaged this whole response to this Wuhan virus from the beginning. He is just another lying leftist steering us into hell. And Biden, yes he shows obvious signs of early Alzheimers or Dementia? I think this whole country has been drinking the Kool-aid! They had better get it right in Nov! The Left know where the stones are but the Right follows Christ and don't need to know. This is the Most Important election of our lifetime.! We can lead the horses (our fellow voters) to water at the poles, we just can't make them drink! You keep mentioning Californians as "you Californians" Don't you live in SD? Aren't you a Californian?

Please keep your Podcasts coming, we need some relevance of sanity and truth in all of this chaos----. May God Help us all!--- Take care, praying for you as always every day!

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