BLM is a facist, neo nazi, anti-police, anti-family [including fathers & mothers], anti-constitutional rights, anti-Christian, anti-law & order, anti-America, anti-anything that doesn't fit their agenda....

America WILL be restored & WILL be stronger, & WILL surpass any other economy in the countries in the world, & WILL surpass any economy that has been under any past presidents. Christianity will be restored in the United States in the courts & class rooms etc., & Roe v Wade WILL be overturned & the Supreme Court WILL become pre-dominate with conservative judges that love & follow the United States constitution. And all will be accomplished with President Donald J. Trump & VP Mike Pence, for they will be re-elected in 2020....

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I hope you are right but you are describing Heaven and I don't think we get that until after the rapture. That said, I'll keep the faith until the bloody end.

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President Trump, the DOJ and Homeland Security have thus far been "unwilling" to institute the "Insurrection Act." AG Bill Barr says he "hopes" the President won't have to do it. But with Portland still in "riot mode" and Chicago (along with several other U.S. cities) showing a mounting death toll due to gun violence and other attacks, it's time send in the troops.

But not just to quell the riots and lock up the instigators on the streets. The main focus HAS to be primarily, the POLITICIANS! The Mayors, Governors and State Attorney Generals who have basically given their BLESSING to these Marxists and Fascists who have been killing with impunity and rioting unabated. THEY are the actual LEADERS and PROMOTERS of these terrorist groups.

What needs be done here are UNANNOUNCED arrests. NOT in the City Halls and State Executive offices. BUT AT THEIR HOMES! In the middle of the night and when the MEDIA is not around to see it. In fact, the MEDIA should be banned from being anywhere NEARBY when these arrests are made. For Security reasons. Then announced ONLY after these politicians are in custody.

The charges? Insurrection and Treason against the United States. Inciting and promoting riots and acts of lawlessness against the people. Taking money (George Soros cash) through Marxist and terrorist organizations to participate in an insurrection against the United States.

Of course the Liberal Democrats will scream bloody murder as their cohorts are doing a PERP WALK into Federal Court. But if the likes of PELOSI, SCHUMER, AOC, IMAN, TLAIB. PRESSLEY or any other of these traitors open their mouths? LOCK THEM UP TOO!

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Are you kidding me? Troops cannot go unannounced to their homes and arrest them.......Those lousy democrats will hang Donald. And the American Public will agree that he has violated the Constitution....you know the one, but I can't recall the number.

God Bless America and God Bless President Trump.

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put in?? Wow, that's amazing. How would like it if anyone pointed a finger at you and they put your family thru that? I'm amazed. What will the psychological after effects be,when trump is gone? You know, like spouses who are with psycho/sociopaths suffer from PTSD. What effects will trumps mind control experiments,he got from ex kgb agents, have on your poor, controllable , manipulated minds?

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therapy might help you...

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Kamala Harris sent police into home of man reporting on planned parenthood atrocities and stole his data...also illegal and anti FIRST Amendment

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But Camelhead Harris can get away with anything, after all, she is a Commiecrat.

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yeah she s the one with putins cock in her ass right? no wait, thats trump, stupid ass

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Hey Jack get a job you bomb and quit breaking the law if you don't like What's Happening Here on The Ledger get the hell out idiot

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yeah walk in , you people will love putin if trump wins, it sounds like a bunch of his followers here.i guess none of u live in cities where the cops violate constitutional rights daily. really? bust down doors and arrest them with out warrants> but let child molesters like roger stone go free>oh trump IS A PEDOFILE, History will prove it,

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I concur

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Your the best Graham

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Since the Constitution says Congress cannot abridge the speech of the citizen, by what authority do they permit the majority party to get 100% of the committee chairs per chamber and then permit the chair to "not recognize" the minority citizen representative. That abridges citizen speech in violation of the Constitution. The Article that says each chamber can make its own procedure rules is not valid authority because the rules of construction as interpreted by Jurist over the decades say each line in the Constitution must tie into one or more goals of the Preamble and second the question to ask is what evil was the line put in the Constitution to stamp out. Since the current system used in Congress creates a monopolistic, authoritarian, unilateral and dictatorial center of power that silences half the citizen representatives when and where legislation is drafted it is clear those two highest threshold of the rules of construction are not met and the alternative interpretation must replace the existing system of representation. That alternative could be that committee chairs are in proportion of the actual percent of seated members by political party. Right now if the majority party has just one more seat than the other side, they get all the power and all the committee chairs and are permitted to abridge speech.

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When we had Direct TV, I never missed a Daily Ledger at 8:00 in chattanooga but when when Direct ripped us off, we dropped them like a hot tater then we went back to chattanooga`s E.P.B fiber optics & that`s when I lost OANN. I miss having you in my home Graham. Pleas, anything you might be able to do to get your show on air in chattanooga on this EPB fiber optics cable system. The Mayor is a Democrat.

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We picked Hulu and opted in for @OANN.

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Me too!!!!! We moved out of NY in November to a place where comcast monopolized the entire area, if not 90% of the state. comcast, yes, lower case, does not air OANN and so I bought a subscription to Klowd TV but can only pick it up on my Ipad. 3 smart TV's and they really aren't so smart. I cannot put up the Klowd App to watch Graham (whom I love dearly.) It's amazing, I'm old enough to be Graham's Mother, yet his views and opinions are 100% like mine. Maybe it's how Italians raise their kids....God, love, honor, patriotism, duty, sincerity.

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OAN needs to be broadcast on all major cable and satellite ISPs and currently is not. Maybe OAN supporters can invest and purchase and or take over NBS,CBS MSNBC etc.... Capital Venturists would do well. It’s long overdue

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yeah right, and maybe trump will stop lying!! what an idiot

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Hey Jack everybody knows who you are you just get in these reviews and you do your review as your troller you troll that's all you do and you break the law it's obvious get a job bum

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Actually I'm retired at 48. Me n my lady have been on my 38 ft scarab since last Thursday. Have a great day ,WORKING! At the bowling alley

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So I was listening to Graham's message 1043 when all of a sudden it stopped. Good ole You Tube must have cut him off - not certain - but fairly sure they are screwing Graham for putting out his news cast.

Graham mentioned Dr. Burks & that she collects the data about COVID & sends it on to the Presidents Admin. I don't like Dr. Burks because she had the audacity to have a phone conference with pastors & clergy from across the country & told them [keep in mind these pastors & clergy could not speak out because there phones were muted.] to encourage or flat out tell their congregations, especially the elderly, to take the VACCINE when it becomes available....

What gives her the right to tell those pastors & clergy to influence their congregation to take a vaccine that 1. Hasn't been made or tested, and 2. How do we know if the vaccine wasn't funded by Bill Gates, who's wanted for "crimes against humanity" from India & Africa for giving them vaccines that he guaranteed would help and/or heal their people. Thus with Anthony Fauci being good friends with Bill Gates, I wouldn't trust either one of them as far as I could throw them.

If anyone out there hasn't watched or listened to Mark Taylor &/or Chris McDonald on they're Monday Night Smack Down on You Tube, I encourage you to watch them. They keep you up on current events from a Christian point of view. Their MNSD is done live at 8pm on You Tube.

Graham Ledger, you're great. Your straight up & tell it like you see it from the research you do, & it is truly much appreciated by thousands of your adoring fans. Don't stop giving us your learned opinion, for it is in-depth, informative, & well received.... Thanks for all your hard work!

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I love watching the McFiles with Mark Taylor & Chris McDonald. Also check out Ark of Grace with Amanda Grace, & His Glory Take 5 with Dave Scarlett & Truth Unveiled with Paul Oebell & you can find Mark Taylor there too, & last but far from least Graham Ledger. These all give great updates & terrific insight.

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Graham, miss you on OANN. The girls are doing a fine job, however, they aren't you. I hope you get rested up and come back soon. Jerry Nadler is fonnie. He should be run out of the swamp. He is a disgrace to the our Country. Graham, I agree with you, mask do nothing to stop the CCV. How did this farce ever get started. 3 blind mice come to mind. Keep up the great reporting. Please get back to OANN when you are ready. Thank You. You are missed.

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WHEN is your SHOW ON?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I try to DVR it "first run shows only" but it records these 2 and 3 am shows and there's NO reference to WHEN they were??? I have directv so that's most LIKELY the problem??? Thanx! Cliff Love, Texas!

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Directv channel 347 OAN @ 5:00pm. California time, may be the same time for you. Great show I DVR every night.

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Graham Ledger has departed OAN on an extended vacation. Maybe all of this CV BS burnt him out. We miss Mister Ledger! He is Bill O’Reilly on MB steroids 👍👍

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So, just curious. Why am I not seeing you on 'The Daily Ledger" on OAN for the past couple of weeks? Miss you.

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"Mexican Lives Matter" President Trump must get the Mexican support! Chk California and Texas E

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California is succeeding, and we are putting all of our illegal immigrants, billions snd billions of the ones who vote illegally, do all the crime, and work trump properties, and putting them on our borders to keep u losers out. oh all the produce we export, we r going too piss on yours! enjoy!

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GREAT! Well build a wall around your CESSPOOL as well!

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Author and independent journalist George Webb will be in San Diego on August 10, I will request the audience of Graham Ledger to attend his book signing at Einstein's Bagels in La Jolla

It is my request for Graham to interview George as well.

Please contact me at FrankRizzo1776@protonmail.com

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sounds like a real blast, request gram to interview my nuts while youre at it!! lol

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Sorry about that... Mike Pence is a Judas to President Trump & a TRAITOR to the United States. There's to many reports out there that tell you about his homosexual acts & pedophilia.... Whether or not it's true you can bet it will be exposed. Otherwise I stand by everything else I said & still believe it will happen.

I believe we are living under 2 presidents. Biden is a president under a defunct government - meaning the corporation the previous government was under since 1871 [Organic Act of 1871] is no longer legit. That fake incorporated government revoked the individual charters of the cities of Washington & Georgetown & established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia. Though Congress repealed the territorial government in 1874, the legislative branch was the first to create a "single municipal government" for the Federal Government.

What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia [& who in their right mind would name it District of Columbia? That just smacks of something right out of drug cartels in South American].... It made the DC an INCORPORATED government. This newly ALTERED Constitution was NOT intended to BENEFIT the Republic. Bet you weren't taught that in American History class? Because I know I wasn't....

I believe President Trump dissolved that incorporated government & now we are left with the original constitution. By the way that was signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1871. Needless to say, America is sitting on a ticking time bomb. And don't be surprised if all of sudden - which won't be sudden, more like planned - that the military takes over the White House, the Congress, the Senate & start arresting Biden & his cronies for being traitors.... The Patriots that are out there in this great land of America are m-a-n-y & not only that God, YHWH, the Almighty El Shaddai is STILL & ALWAYS WILL BE ON HIS THRONE.!!! And we aint seen nothing yet, because YHWH's arsenal is FAR GREATER than anything we could ever imagine or dream of. And YHWH will show us what He is going to do with Washington DC & ALL it's demon possessed democrats & republicans.... So stay safe & hope you are born again so you can be under God's protection.....

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Since my last post on July 29th 2020, I need to make a small change, that being MIKE PENCE will not be our VP because he's a traitor to P

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Who's that idiot Jack flowers you always seem to get these creeps somewhere somehow so sad he's definitely one of the guys that break the laws all the time that's why he's so against the police he needs a job he's never had he needs to go to work he's a bum fantastic show Graham keep up the great work you're awesome

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graham looks like he fits right in with trump and epstein

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"Mexican Lives Matter"!!

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