

What is your name city/state?

Just want to know for our records


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What is your name city/state?

Thank you for the $ offer. Just want to keep in touch


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Ronald Siskjust now

Ledger, the problem is conservatives including yourself,,, they always talk and never listen or learn anything from their own.... You guys are all the same just like the left that is fake as hell so is the right. We gave you And your x boss tons before any of this happened as we did Fox, gave them tons .... not a word... here comes more and you all jus hash out BS.... talk about Cappy and the Strauss network.... the real issues... no you stick with CUD like every other Aka right outlet being fed dialect crap from the left.... prove your different and use real journalistic skills. Who is Nora Volkow, at NIH and her sister, who is Cappy McGarr and who is the Strauss center....this is Biden

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Graham, I followed you from the "most corrupt county" in PA where I had a 100% full recovery rate with persons presenting with Covid, and all but one between 24 and 72 hours. Instead of the, er, "glittering prizes," I was hunted out of my home in "Pfizer-Merck-GSK country," evicted on perjured testimony by a corrupt judge Gallagher in Bryn Mawr (where also practices the worst, most corrupt dentist in the entire world) in collusion with MDJ Frances Lawrence of Norristown, and the tacit collusion of MDJ Bernhardt of Conshohocken - whose court clerk moonlights for the corrupt and perjuring landlords and their perjuring lawyer Curtis Ward of Butera Inc. Feel free to delete this, Graham if it compromises you in any way. We have to look out for ourselves these days...as this one example shows, we are on our own. Once that eviction notice is in place, undeserved, corrupt or not, the collusive coalition of corrupt landlords across the nation will not rent to you. It's kind of a sign and signal that you're a conservative. I learned that we are not alone. In another RAT run State, WA, I noticed how many civil, decent, undrugged persons were homeless, 99% white. The landlords of America's housing complexes "developments' need extremely stringent controls. All of the above events were in violation of Federal and State law... etc...and targeted during the most extreme weather of January 2021. I have left the USA. What a DISGUSTING VIOLATION of all my Rights, but no Rights for Whites and no support from the Catholic Services...and people died because I could not be reached.

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Boil the pot slowly has become, turn the heat up, turn the heat down, up again, down again, poor little "froggy" won't know which way or when to HOP the heck out. And yes, it's a DISTRACTION. What's really going on? Did they bomb the world of its axis and we're now hurtling toward the sun? Hence the chemtrails. Or? Or? Or? Something else is behind this.

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This is just a desperate play by Democratic Governors in attempt to save their states and national candidates. "Look what we've done for you this year". Don't look at we've done to you and your children the last two years. I'm hoping it fails big time!

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How or where can I mail a contribution, I am not much for subscribing. Keep up the great work!

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