Agreed! God and Country, not team and tribe

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I loved your reporting on OAN . Thank you.

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So maybe we could get Republicans to actually read the applicable federal and state constitutions we might have a chance.

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Opening an Article V Convention of the States to amend the Constitution will be the end of the Constitution as the Republicans will not be able to keep control of it! The left will push all the Republicans out of the building, believe me.

Get this, what colors are seen as a communist? RED Yet a few years ago we gave colors to each party, Blur, and Red! The Democrats took Blue so as to be associated with communists, we got Red. Now if the GOP had a set of balls that would never happen! But it did. If the Republicans can not even get the right color how the hell will they have any control at an Article V Convention where the whole Constitution could be rewritten? BAD IDEA

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