Like always balls to the wall ! The truth !!! Always love your articles , only news I read ! Great job 👍

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I have only one correction that we feel strongly about. Judas is Mike Pence. None of this would be happening if it weren’t for Trumps Traitorous Vice President. Pence backstabbed the The American People and his very own President. Michael Cohen is just another symptom of the original act.

Although there are hundreds if not thousands just like Cohen, but the original sin begins with Pence.

We truly did love your podcast and yes we cried. We’ve always wondered why everyone says “Happy Easter” on such a horrific day of the murdering of Christ. It truly was the most frightening of all killings in history.

God Bless You,

Gini and Chris

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Glad to share these links. Thanks

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In the past, I have PUBLICLY offered to personally protect the border.

{I asked for money to drive from North Dakota, a cheap motel for living, at least 2 meals a day, and ammunition for 4 firearms.}

Of course, they ignored me

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