It's as simple as asking your county Chief of Elections for a certain data file
If the so-called “mantle” for state election integrity is corrupt, then all 50 states are clearly in electoral trouble! Florida likes to boast about its “safe elections” but nothing could be further from the truth. Graham Ledger introduces us to election data expert Chris Gleason who has got some stunning revelations along with action items for you – your marching orders – in the effort to end the corruption of our precious franchise.
I wish is could GO BACK to the 1980s! What a time to be alive! Reagan was president and men were men. But there was BIG HAIR and little Dolphin shorts and Rubik’s Cube and mullets and NO SOCIAL MEDIA…
So, I have decided to take us all back regularly with a nice diversionary show that I call: 80s MOVIES MUSIC & MORE.
If you like and want to see more, please click SUBSCRIBE on YouTube - yes, YouTube (they haven’t discovered who I am yet).
Do the political indictments against Donald Trump inspire you to support him or abandon him?(click here)
Please HELP the effort to put this Republic back on its Constitutional footing - HELP THE FIGHT:
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