Trump Now Tied in Blue Virginia; Dems Don't Want Nominee Biden; Nobody Wants to do Business in NY; Vaxxx Maiming Children; Most Stolen Vehicles in USA; Male Contestant Wins Miss USA, MD
The Ledger Report - 060924
President Trump tells voters in Nevada that Americans need to “stop the steal” come November:
THE LEDGER REPORT - Click on headline below to open articles:
Why aren’t the Marxist-Democrats panicking? Trump now tied in Blue Virginia
Shock Biden poll: majority of Democrats want another nominee for President
Post Trump NYC verdicts: ‘nobody wants to do business there’
Federal court blocks efforts to remove tens of thousands of DEAD PEOPLE from Michigan rolls
Louisiana Republicans pass potential law allowing castration for pedophiles
Illegal criminal arrested in Virginia for molesting a minor girl
Vaxxx maiming children: elevated risk of epilepsy, appendicitis in youngsters after jab
In highly vaxxed NFL, another player suffers a heart attack
Morbidly obese female wins miss Alabama, male contestant wins Miss Maryland USA
Most stolen vehicle in America? Hint: NOT made in USA
Please HELP the effort to put this Republic back on its Constitutional footing - HELP THE FIGHT:
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